Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Red-Eyes Turned Skyward

"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."--Leonardo da Vinci

Tonight's red-eye will take me to NYC for tomorrow's session with Maestro Steven. G*d, I love these trips! I love the whole process of flying (although I do tend to want to bake screaming children into pies). One of my Life Goals is to become a licensed pilot by the time I'm 50; at my turtle-pace, this will indeed take the next 20 years. Right now, I'm debating which tourist-y thang to do: Empire State Building? Statue of Liberty? Walk around Greenwich Village? The brevity of the trip (as well as my moolah--or the lack thereof) does not lend itself to serious shopping. *Sigh.*

And my lessons with the Maestro are invigorating! He basically kicks my vocal-ass (hmm?) into shape until I am just one lean-mean-singing-machine. The day before travel is always tough: I'm wound up, but have to pace myself physically (so that I don't undo my months of PT, cutting off my air supply) and get extra sleep to counteract the red-eyeness. Basically, pure adrenaline lifts me through the lesson, and I collapse as soon as I'm back on the subway.

OK....I have nothing left to type....but wound sooo tightly....can't concentrate on reading* (!)....all I can picture is a giant barrel in which monkeys are rolling around in bowls of cherries.....EEEEE! Maybe I'll shut the hell up and go sing. Yeah. Sing.

*By the way, I'm reading Dracula right now, and it turns out that Dracula looks like a grandpa. Well, an evil grandpa, anyway. His white hair has receded from his "large, protruding forehead" and he has a giant mustache dripping down his cheeks! Oh, and hair sprouting out of the middle of his palms. You know, like grandpas do.

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