Friday, June 1, 2007

O'Reilly Ain't Punny

Fox News frack-head Bill O'Reilly strikes again. (Make sure the link takes you to "Bill O'Reilly Plays The Race Card.")

His logic is dizzying. I'm not really sure where to begin; so many wrongs are crammed into five sentences--it's like Wrongapalooza. Just for kicks, let's analyze this thing Top-Down: he begins by blanketing supporters of the recent immigration reform bill, then tells us that these supporters (implying all) hate America, and this hatred is caused (?) because they believe (?) America is run by white, Christian men. (I guess none of the supporters or immigrants could be Christians themselves. Or white, for that matter.)

, you might be saying, then he's talking about foreign support for the bill. No, no, dear Blatherscope Thinkers, next O'Reilly periscopes-in to specify "a segment of [America's] population" as Tha Haterz. Although, he covers his donkey (c'mon, what's another name for donkey....starts with "A"....) bee-oo-tifully in the artful phrasing: "Let me repeat that. America is run primarily by white, Christian men, and there is a segment of our population that hates that, despises that power structure." He says he is just reiterating his prior statement, when actually he is (a) confirming that he also believes America is run by white, Christian (?!) men, (b) very carefully NOT saying a segment of America's population hates the USA, unlike the previous sentence, but that they hate "that", and (c) clarifies "that" as "that power structure," implying that there is something wrong/bad about people who hate a "power structure" controlled by white, Christian (ahem!) men. He gets people so twisted, you'd think he's a tornado.

Next comes my favorite part--The Leap! "So they, under the guise of being compassionate, want to flood the country with foreign nationals, unlimited, unlimited, to change the complexion--pardon the pun--of America." Hoo, doggies! O'Reilly, adding another blanket to his donkey, uses the anonymous "they", leaving the listener to decide which group of Haterz meant, the America haters or the Power Structure haters or just Bill Supporters (remember, this was a radio broadcast; quick talking by-passes a lot o' logic, and allows for a lot o' muddling in the mind). He also cleverly refrains from out-right calling "they" liars, but calls their compassion a "guise" (meaning "false appearance"--you can look that shizz up), negating Compassion as a Legitimate Reason for any immigration reform bill, let alone this bill. Then he gives "their" True Agenda: removing restrictions on immigration to take away Tha Powa from those poor, white, Christian men. O'Reilly uses sensationalist language to build on his assertion that "they want"--Floods! Foreign Nationals!! Double-Unlimited!!! Changing Complexions!!!! Holy Parasite, that shizz is insidious!!!!!

All I can say to that is LOOK AT THE SOURCE. READ THE FRACKIN' BILL. Don't B'lieve the Hype, good or bad. I would like to know why "foreign nationals" are always non-whites. Seriously, can anybody answer me that? Also, if "they" do " change the complexion" of this country (a) why is that wrong or even just a bad idea? (b) how is that a threat to the Power Structure? Erosion over time? According to US Census figures for 2006, a good 2/3 of Americans identified themselves primarily as Whiteys, although a full 5mil claim mixed-race heritage. Ooo, is O'Reilly afraid of Mixed Marriages creating a new race of Mongrels? Or is he afraid that America will be polluted with the false ideals of other governments and cultures, causing the collapse of Democracy, Apple Pie, Baseball, and All That Is Holy? If you believe, as Thomas Jefferson so famously said, "that all men [sic] are created equal," why would "complexion" matter?

O'Reilly has turned immigration reform into a vendetta against white, Christian men. And I, Zerd, am in fact one of Tha Haterz. I hate this constant tying of Christianity to talk of Power Structure (i.e. government)--Hello, First Amendment! Glad to meet 'cha! I hate that O'Reilly never questions if white, Christian men should be the Power Structure--What Was, Ever Shall Be. And I hate that O'Reilly's fast-talking Logic Bombs are even credible to a part of the population. JFK's prophetic "we have nothing to fear but fear itself" speech fell on deaf ears; this is a nation ruled by white, Christian men who brandish Fear as their weapon.

Can Truth win over Fear? Has it ever?

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