Thursday, July 26, 2007

The "W" Stands For "Wow"

One week ago, our President was schmoozing in Nashville, TN, the glitzy, trailer-park home of Country, when a question about music surprised him:

Q: Mr. President, music is one of our largest exports the country has. Currently, every country in the world -- except China, Iran, North Korea, Rwanda and the United States -- pay a statutory royalty to the performing artists for radio and television air play. Would your administration consider changing our laws to align it with the rest of the world?

THE PRESIDENT: Help. (Laughter.) Maybe you've never had a President say this -- I have, like, no earthly idea what you're talking about. (Laughter and applause.) Sounds like we're keeping interesting company, you know? (Laughter.)

Look, I'll give you the old classic: contact my office, will you? (Laughter.) I really don't -- I'm totally out of my lane. I like listening to country music, if that helps. (Laughter.)


Dahli said...

nice. tsk tsk.

reading this page causes me to miss you. I might be in Portlant on August 6 (a monday). Perhaps we could happen to be in the same place at the same time?


ZERD said...

Holy crap-oly! That would be Stupendous! Give me a call or email, chickadee:)