Sunday, February 3, 2008

I'm Glad I Didn't Have Money Riding On It

I love it when The Underdog wins. I really do. David 'n Goliath-like sports flicks always make me weepy.* But I am much too pragmatic** to have faith in The Little Guy; I would never bet on the chance of an upset. I guess the moral of this story is: don't bet, period, and Your money will always be safely tucked in Your wallet.***

*Once I got carried away and started yelling for "my team" in the theater. My brother punched me in the knee to get me to shut up. To be fair, I was only 8.
**Read: "cynical."
***In case You are so out-of-touch that You have No Idea to what I am referring, see here.

1 comment:

deeluxegal said...

the patriots were such a heavy favorite that the payout wouldn't have been great if they won, so it wasn't worth having money riding on anyway.

it's cracking me up that they're having a ticker-take parade in nyc today for the giants. all that shredded office paper flying around seems awfully silly...and incredibly to gross to clean up during this cold, wet time of year...but a curious, fun little festivity nonetheless.