Wednesday, January 9, 2008

'Atta Girl, Hil!

As all devoted Blatherscopians know, Hillary is my gal. I firmly believe she is the best leader for our country in the wake of Herr President Bush. She has a mighty mind and clear voice; not only does she have a coherent Plan, but she understands what it takes to accomplish aforesaid Plan.* She is not girly, but don't make the mistake of confusing "girl" with "woman"--'cuz she is the Modern Woman. Anyone** who discounts her as "someone who can't run their own household" because of Bill's promiscuity doesn't know a damn thing about Human Nature, so they sure as hell can't identify what kind of Integrity it takes to not only keep a marriage going, but also heal and truly forgive. She puts the "guts" in "gutsy."

I am so proud of how well she did in New Hampshire and, yes, Iowa. I can't wait to see how she wins the rest of America over. But if I hear one more so-called journalist ask voters if their vote was influenced by the "tears in the diner" incident, [said in terrible faux-Italian accent] I'm-a gon-na scream-a! A) What kind of moron is more influenced by Emotion than by Ideas, Ideals, and Intellect? B) Does such as person have the requisite Mental Power to actively distinguish between Parties, Politicians, and Politicos? Or would they be stumped by a neon-rimmed Hole-In-The-Ground? C) How is this Journalism? Or have Folk been so overwhelmed by News that they can no longer separate the two?***

Okay, enough of the Hillary- and Billary- blather. [Dramatic pause.] For now. I have a salad that won't make itself waiting for me down in the kitchen. Later, skaters!

*Don't get me wrong: every word out of her mouth is not gold to me. But she has convinced me in the past, and may convince me in the future, and that says sumpthin', y'all, 'cuz I am gol-durn stubborn!

**Thank you, Michelle Obama.

***Click here for Tom Brokaw setting Chris Matthews straight on the differences. Suh-nap! It gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling in my innards.


Cakes on a Plane said...

Oh Liz. I don't know now. I was so about Hillary for awhile, but I thought her behavior during the debates was such a turn-off. Yes, she's got an incredible amount of experience, but it seems to be all she's banking on (not to mention that she's got some negative experience thrown in there).

When Obama talks about a new America in which the public is galvanized/ignited, I get very excited. I'm tired of being synical about government and Obama makes me feel hope.

I don't know; I'm still flip-flopping. Ha! Thanks for sharing you political thoughts, though. It takes courage to lay it out there for the world. If you were running for president, I'd vote for you, Zerd. :)

ZERD said...

I hear you about Obama--he IS exciting! I remember his speech at the Democratic convention in '04; I felt a shiver, called Micah into the room, and said, "This man is going to be president someday." The kind of excitement he generates feels mythical--like something out of tales of JFK's or Roosevelt's popularity. He could be a wonderful balm to America's wounds.

This is why he is not my front runner: Obama doesn't know enough, and neither do the people he surrounds himself with. His speeches, wonderful and emotionally swaying, contain wrong facts and mis-read data (which someone on his staff should be checking for him! He has enough to do! But a president can't be his own fact checker--he should, however, know that the people around him are trustworthy enough to give him accurate data.) He knows WHAT many of the problems are, which gives him hope of solution, but he doesn't yet know WHY problems are, so he has to be pretty vague when talking about a plan for America.

Don't get me wrong--if Hillary doesn't win the nomination, I am not likely to be voting for whomever the Republicans put forth, and I will be volunteer campaigning to make sure the Democrat is elected.

As far as "Zerd in '16" (the first election I would be old enough to run for Ruler of the Free World), we can talk more about it in '14--what do you say, Madam Secretary of State?

Cakes on a Plane said...

I'm in, Zerd. :)

Thanks for the dialogue. I'll pay more attention to those facts he lays down in his speeches - I definitely want someone who not only talks the talks, but walks the, know...