Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year!

Technik'ly I'm a day late for such felicitous wishes, I know. I do apologize. I have been a bit behind lately, as I believe the neglect of my dear Blatherscopians illustrates. But the Universe is righting itself, and humble I am taking my rightful place in it.

Christmas was a blur--sleeping, blowing snot out my nose, more sleeping, drinking tea, streaming snot out my nose, yet more sleeping, singing, even more sleeping. If it sounds like I was sick, then Your powers of deduction have not failed. I did, however, manage to put in a solid 30 hours of singing, 10 hours of fancy-food making, and appear at 4 holiday gatherings. I am pretty sure that I grossed-out everyone I encountered along the way (too much snot; waaay too much snot), but I don't really remember: my head was a-swim in Fuzz.

The Blessing of Sickness at Christmas was that I had no taste buds. None. Therefore, I had no desire for food. And as I have been working out regularly since the week before Thanksgiving, I managed to lose 6 pounds over the vacation. It was a Christmas Miracle! And, as Deeluxegal pointed out, losing weight at a time when EVERYONE gains due to holiday binging is "really" like losing 10 pounds! Deeluxegal, I like the way you calculate.

As most of You know, I am no longer the lithe figure of Ladyhood I was when I was 21; over the course of 9 years I packed 80 more pounds to my poor frame. The first 15 pounds or so might have crept up on me, but in practice I have not been blind to the growing corpulent Bloat swallowing my body. Twice I tried insta-shedding the poundage (to some success), but I had not actually changed ME, and so the Globulence seeped back. I am a bit (ahem) of a Perfectionista. This has been a problem for healthy weight loss, because I could not see some loss of weight as any kind of success--it had to all come off (and fast! 3 hours a day on the treadmill, minimum) or I was just another Fatso, doomed to a life of fatty fatness on my faaaat aaaassss.

And then: Epiphany! Every little bit counts. This is true of food, exercise, and amount of weight lost. I have not been able to believe this, EVER.* I feel so free. Even if it takes me 9 more years to lose all the unhealthy weight I have been carrying around, that's OK, Slow and Steady wins the race. Thank you, Ms. Tortoise.

*Chalk another fracked-up mindset to my Fundie upbringing--failure sends you to Hell! You don't try to be good, you ARE good or you go to Hell! If you can't change your mind/heart/body, you are still letting Sin and Satan control your life and you will go to Hell! If you do not believe EXACTLY the same thing I do at the same time I do, I am more spiritually mature than you are and you might go to Hell! A Christian does not admit doubts or fears, because they shouldn't have any! Go to Hell!


Cakes on a Plane said...

Happy New Year to you, Liz! Congrats on the 9lb weight loss. That is something to be incredibly proud of when the holidays make everyone want to pig out...maybe just so they can feel obliged to bitch come Jan. 1 about the new diet they're on that will last, oh, 1 week, maybe.

I was encouraged by your bit at a time motto. You are taking the Buddist way, my friend. Namaste. One day, one minute, one meal at a time.

It's good to be back in touch with you...

Cakes on a Plane said...

Oh, and it says "snaz" because I created a website for my Dad under my email address because he's not tech savvy enough to update it himself...just to clairify. :)

Mr Zakky Pants said...

Ummm.. Rock on! MEOW, Meow!!

ZERD said...

Thanks for the support, guys! But, Snaz, who R U 4 reels?

Cakes on a Plane said...

Haha! That's me, Jill. My dad was lovingly called "Snaz" growing up because his last name (my former one) was Schnaser. Sorry for the confusion! Ha!

Tsipa said...

Yay! The Blather returns! Now if only I something other than effing dial-up to read it with...

I'm proud of you. Also? You always sexy, honey buns.

ZERD said...

Yay, Snaz-er-ooney! It's good to be back in touch with you, too :)

And The Tsipa, you be makin' me blush, gal!

Dahli said...

so glad that you're back! I missed reading your words.
the best weight to lose is the weight that literally just gets feels good! but you are pretty purty just the way you are.

ZestyJenny said...

I second wat dahli said.

Also, don't try to weigh the same thing you did as an adolecent. You are a woman now! So, by this logic, you have less to lose, see?

ZERD said...

Shucks, y'all! I feel so much Love radiating from your posts that I could puke:)

Dahli, dear, thanks for your sweet encouragement. 3 more pounds lost to date...and all without depriving myself of a damn thing.

Jenny, honey, I promise not to go all Karen Carpenter on you :) But I like your Woman-math.